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Table 2 Sedation practices in Polish ICUs

From: Multicenter assessment of sedation and delirium practices in the intensive care units in Poland - is this common practice in Eastern Europe?

Sedation data

Total (n = 165)

Sedation monitoring, % (n)


53.9 (89)


46.1 (76)


22.4 (37)


18.8 (31)


1.8 (3)


3.0 (5)

Sedation protocol, % (n)


19.4 (32)


80.6 (133)

ICUs declaring daily sedation interruption (DSI), % (n)


32.1 (53)


67.9 (112)

ICUs declaring regular sedation audit, % (n)


13.9 (23)


86.1 (142)

ICUs declaring change of sedation during weaning, % (n)


50.91% (84)


49.09% (81)

Choice for sedation vs price (0–10 points scale), mean ± SD

4.06 ± 3.14

Choice for sedation vs action time (0–10 point scale), mean ± SD

6.39 ± 2.77

  1. n number of ICUs participating in the survey, ICU intensive care unit, DSI daily sedation interruption, RASS Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale, BIS Bispectral Index, SD standard deviation