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Table 4 Descriptions of the theme Feelings of being in a vulnerable situation but cared for in safe hands into categories and subcategories

From: Awake intubation creates feelings of being in a vulnerable situation but cared for in safe hands: a qualitative study



A need for tailored information

■ A wish for general information about the procedure, without technical details of the equipment.

■ A need for more specific information about what to expect

Distress and fear of the intubation

■ Fear of throwing up

■ Fear of the local anaesthetic and the tube size

■ Feelings of discomfort, coughing, suffocation, and pain

Acceptance and trust of the staff’s competence

■ Limited knowledge about anaesthesia

■ Confidence with staff choices

Professional caring and support

■ Comfort on the operating table

■ Confidence in the staff

■ Vulnerable situation, but treated in a careful manner

■ A wish for eye contact

■ A wish for breathing instruction

No hesitation about new awake intubation

■ Acceptable experience, and there are worse things

■ It went rapidly

■ It is the same phenomenon as gastroscopy

■ Forget unpleasant memories