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Table 2 Parameter estimates (mean (CV%)) of the final population PK model for paracetamol and its metabolites in women at delivery, early postpartum, late postpartum or healthy volunteers, with or without oral contraceptives (OC). For ClPG, V1 and Q1 both the final value and the equation is presented in which values in italic represent the value for the standard population for that parameter

From: Paracetamol pharmacokinetics and metabolism in young women



Bootstrap mean

final model



Fixed effects


At delivery

postpartum, early

postpartum, late + healthy volunteers


10 weeks later

CLPG (L/h)


7.33 (8.3)

2.02 (11.1)


0.55 (18.5) × 7.33 = 4.0


7.41 (9.7)


OC: 1.46 (12.5) × 4.0 = 5.8

OC:1.46 × 7.33 = 10.7

0.56 (19.5)

2.03(8.8) × 7.33 = 14.9


1.48 (10.8)

CLPS (L/h)

3.86 (5.5)

3.86 (5.5)

3.82 (5.6)

Preterm = 5.61 (7.9)

5.65 (8.4)

CLPU (L/h)

0.93 (6.3) + 0.0053 (28.2) × (UP-100)

0.94 (6.5)

0.0054 (29.8)

V1 (L)

1.86 (6.3) × 18.5 =

18.5 (7.9)

1.83 (6.4)


18.5 (7.4)

V2 (L)

19.7 (33.6)

22.3 (37.9)

V8 (L)

23.9 (5.4)

23.9 (5.0)

Q (L/h)

1.29 (15.0) × (BW/70)

1.34 (14.2)

Q1 (L/h)

61.1 (6.8)

0.13 (17.9) × 61.1 = 7.9

61.1 (6.8)

61.6 (6.3)

0.13 (19.2)


4.62 (11.8)

4.73 (10.7)

Interindividual variability


0.12 (23.0)

0.12 (23.2)


0.09 (24.1)

0.08 (24.4)


0.12 (61.6)

0.11 (58.7)

Residual error

σ2 (P plasma)

0.07 (12.8)

0.07 (13.8)

σ2 (P G)

0.29 (48.6)

0.29 (46.0)

σ2 (P S)

0.15 (26.1)

0.14 (23.5))

σ2 (P u)

0.15 (20.4)

0.15 (17.9)

σ2 (P plasma) Gregoire [15]

0.02 (21.6)

0.02 (19.4)

σ2 (P plasma), additive Gregoire [15]

0.016 (64.4)

0.016 (61.8)

Performance measures



5241.994 (3.8)

  1. Values in parentheses are CV, coefficient of variation of the parameter values; OC; oral contraceptives; CLPG, clearance to paracetamol-glucuronide; CLPS, clearance to paracetamol-sulphate, CLu, clearance to paracetamol unchanged; UP, urine production (urine volume (ml) divided by collection time (h)); V1, central volume; Q and Q1, intercompartmental clearance between central and peripheral volumes; BW, body weight; V2 and V8, peripheral volumes; MF multiplication factor for k17 compared with k35 and K46; ω2 variance, the square root of the exponential variance of η minus 1 is the percentage of interindividual variability in the parameters; σ2 proportional within individual variance; −2LL, objective function