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Table 2 Drinks considered as clear liquid

From: Attitudes of Mexican anesthesiologists to indicate preoperative fasting periods: A cross-sectional survey


Anesthesiologists considering it as a clear liquid n (%)*

CI 95 %

Clear liquids


Clear water

233 (97.8)

95.9 to 99.7%

Industrialized clear fruit juices

83 (34.6)

24.4 to 44.8%

Black coffee

32 (13.3)

1.5 to 25.1%

Non clear liquids


Natural fruit juices

56 (23.3)

12.2 to 34.4%

Breast milk and infant formula

12 (5.0)

-7.3 to 17.3%

Milk-based jelly

10 (4.2)

-8.2 to 16.6%

Concentrated industrialized juice

3 (1.3)

-11.5 to 14.1%

Liquid food supplements**

2 (0.8)

-11.5 to 13.1%

  1. *The proportions were computed according to anesthesiologists responding any specific topic. **e.g. Ensure®