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Table 3 Reporting Quality of Key Methodology Items

From: The quality of reporting of RCTs used within a postoperative pain management meta-analysis, using the CONSORT statement



All Articles (n = 23)


95% CI*

Allocation of Concealment

Allocation was considered appropriate in a RCT study if one of the following allocation methods were reported; 1) central randomization, 2) numbered, coded vehicles, and 3) opaque, sealed, and sequentially numbered envelopes


(4, 13)


Blinding was considered to have occurred if at least one specific group was explicitly reported as blinded if there was a blinding feasibility issue. In cases where blinding was not an issue, at least two groups must have been explicitly reported as blinding to qualify as appropriate blinding.


(1, 9)

Numbers Analysed (Intention to treat)

Intention to treat was defined as the inclusion of all patients randomly assigned in the analysis, regardless of whether they actually satisfied the entry criteria, the treatment actually received, and subsequent with withdrawal or protocol deviations.


(5, 14)

  1. CI: Confidence Interval.
  2. *For item that has non-zero event, the 95% CI was approximated by assuming the number of events followed a Binomial distribution; for item that has zero event, the 95% CI was approximated by the rule of three [49].